Laser therapy
Laser therapy is an advanced supplement to conventional means and methods of dentistry. The possible uses of lasers in dental treatments are far from exhausted, and yet a variety of advantages of laser therapies have already been proven and clinically confirmed.
The advantages of laser therapy are that, for example, suturing wounds is hardly necessary and bleeding can almost be ruled out. The treatment points are immediately sterilised by laser, so that bacterial infections occur very rarely. Healing times are also shorter with the use of laser therapy than with treatment with conventional methods.
The laser is used for gum treatment, periodontitis treatment, root canal treatment, implants and surgical procedures. It is also used for herpes treatment.
A laser beam is bundled light. When a laser beam hits tissue structures, an effect is left behind that allows us to work in a non-contact and aseptic manner.
This allows us to perform a surgical procedure with less bleeding and less trauma.
When supplying dentures in the form of implants, the laser is used to uncover the implants. With the laser, we can accelerate healing and thus shorten the waiting time until the dentures are fitted.
We can also reduce bacterial colonization in the case of inflammation in the area of the implants with laser treatment.
In periodontal treatment, the laser enables us to perform the procedures with less pain and blood as well. The removal of the inflamed tissue is laser-assisted. Here, too, we achieve a reduction of germs through the laser. The regeneration of injured tissue is guaranteed with laser therapy.
But even if you have very sensitive teeth and you are struggling with the typical hot-cold pain, we can offer you laser therapy to support conventional therapy, which usually provides incredible relief.
We have a laser of the highest quality in the practice, which guarantees that we work with the highest safety and accuracy.
If you are interested in this topic, please contact us. We are happy to provide you with information about this advanced treatment method in our practice.
Schmid & Mayring
Dental Practice Munich (Schwabing)
Leopoldstr. 115
80804 Munich
Phone: 089 / 36 10 50 40
Appointment: book online
- Montag - Donnerstag: 08:00 - 20:00
- Freitag: 08:00 - 15:00